2 airports found

Flight Prices
from Aitutaki to Yanji in

* price updated daily, fares can change at any time, Search for exact date for last updated flight prices


Time zone in Aitutaki is : GMT-10:00

Airports Serving AITUTAKI

Aitutaki - (AIT)

Hotel prices in Aitutaki


Time zone in Yanji is : GMT+08:00

Situated among foothills and ringed by mountains, Yanji features a beautiful sight of view. It is also the busy hub of transport and trade between China and North Korea. Chinese medical plants (Ginseng) can be found in this city. The area, called the Yanbian Chaoxianzu (Korean) Autonomous Prefecture, is the largest resident community of the Korean ethnic minority in China.

Airports Serving YANJI

Yanji - (YNJ)

Hotel prices in Yanji