2 airports found

Flight Prices
from Abidjan to Accra in

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Time zone in Abidjan is : GMT+00:00

Abidjan is the capital city of Cote d’lvoire, West Africa. It is also known as the most important city of Cote d’lvoire. The city was originally a small fishing village. French is the commonly used language in the city. Considered a cultural hub of West Africa, Abidjan is characterized by a high level of industrialization and urbanization.

Airports Serving ABIDJAN

Felix Houphouet Boigny - (ABJ)

Hotel prices in Abidjan


Time zone in Accra is : GMT+00:00

The name of the city is derived from the Akan word “nkran”, meaning “ants”. The city is the capital and the largest city of Ghana. Some of the tourist attractions that can be visit in the city are the National Museum of Ghana, the National Theatre, and a Sports Stadium. Accra is a sprawling city, with a mixture of modern buildings, occasional castle, shanty towns, and lively markets.

Airports Serving ACCRA

Kotoka Airport - (ACC)

Hotel prices in Accra