Paso Robles Travelodge Hotel (California, Paso Robles)Ưu đãi giá phòng rẻ

Paso Robles Travelodge

CaliforniaPaso Robles
Price per room per night. All inclusive.
Paso Robles Travelodge Cơ sở
  • Car park
giá phòng
Vị trí

Paso Robles Travelodge Vị trí

Paso Robles Travelodge Địa chỉ: 2701 Spring Street Paso Robles 93446

We are on the Route to Lake Naciemento. Paso Robles "Mid-State" Fairgrounds one-half mile. Paso Robles City Park two-thirds a mile. 6 kms to city centre 50 kms to the nearest airport (san luis obispo) -1 km to the nearest fair site (?)