Belmond La Résidence Phou Vao Hotel (, Luang Prabang)Penawaran Hotel Murah

Belmond La Résidence Phou Vao

Luang Prabang
1 Kamar
Ubah Pencarian
Price per room per night. All inclusive.
Belmond La Résidence Phou Vao Fasilitas
  • Tempat parkir mobil
  • Layanan Laundry
  • Layanan kamar
  • Toko
  • Penitipan bayi
  • Butik
  • Pusat bisnis
  • Penyewaan mobil
  • Petugas hotel
  • Fasilitas untuk penyandang cacat
  • Check-in awal
  • Lobi
Tarif kamar

Belmond La Résidence Phou Vao Lokasi

Belmond La Résidence Phou Vao Alamat: 3, Po Box 50

Laos is located in the south-western part of the Indochina peninsula, bordered by Cambodia, China, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. La Residence Phou Vao is located atop the Phou Vao hill, easily accessible from Luang Prabang, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The town is beautifully-preserved, featuring traditional Laotian architecture and European colonial buildings, set at the remote and peaceful confluence of the Mekong and Nam Kam rivers. 2 kms to city centre 3 kms to the nearest airport (luang prabang international airport)