2 airports found

Flight Prices
from Tel Aviv to Yangon in

* price updated daily, fares can change at any time, Search for exact date for last updated flight prices

Tel Aviv

Time zone in Tel Aviv is : GMT+02:00

Airports Serving TEL AVIV

Ben Gurion Intl - (TLV)

Hotel prices in Tel Aviv


Time zone in Yangon is : GMT+06:30

Once the capital of Myanmar until 2005, Yangon still remains the heart of economic activity. With the stunning Shwedagon Paya as the centrepiece of the city, this gleaming golden stupa is visible from all over town. Closer to the waterfront, downtown Yangon is a scattered with historic streets concealing some of the best real deal British colonial-era architecture in the South East Asia.

Airports Serving YANGON

Mingaladon - (RGN)

Hotel prices in Yangon