2 airports found

Flight Prices
from Tel Aviv to Xiamen in

* price updated daily, fares can change at any time, Search for exact date for last updated flight prices

Tel Aviv

Time zone in Tel Aviv is : GMT+02:00

Airports Serving TEL AVIV

Ben Gurion Intl - (TLV)

Hotel prices in Tel Aviv


Time zone in Xiamen is : GMT+08:00

Xiamen is the second largest city in the Fujian province next to the capital Fuzhou. Despite its fame as an industrial powerhouse, this port city has not lost much of its charm, and as a sightseeing haven has become one of the best areas to visit in Fujian. Offering good food, some great architecture and a mild to hot climate, Xiamen is hard to beat.

Airports Serving XIAMEN

Xiamen Airport - (XMN)

Hotel prices in Xiamen