2 airports found

Flight Prices
from Tel Aviv to Sofia in

* price updated daily, fares can change at any time, Search for exact date for last updated flight prices

Tel Aviv

Time zone in Tel Aviv is : GMT+02:00

Airports Serving TEL AVIV

Ben Gurion Intl - (TLV)

Hotel prices in Tel Aviv


Time zone in Sofia is : GMT-02:00

Founded thousand of years ago, Sofia is the capital and the largest city of Bulgaria. Sofia is a home for Bulgaria’s most prestigious and largest educational institutions, colleges, and middle schools. It is often become a preferred destination for international congresses and there are a great many halls and centers. The city\'s history spans 2,400 years. The city is very concerned about the preservation of historical monuments. A visit to Sofia can be a good opportunity to learn more about the history of the city.

Airports Serving SOFIA

Sofia Airport - (SOF)

Hotel prices in Sofia