2 airports found

Flight Prices
from Tel Aviv to Sanya in

* price updated daily, fares can change at any time, Search for exact date for last updated flight prices

Tel Aviv

Time zone in Tel Aviv is : GMT+02:00

Airports Serving TEL AVIV

Ben Gurion Intl - (TLV)

Hotel prices in Tel Aviv


Time zone in Sanya is : GMT+08:00

Sanya is an island situated on the southernmost tip of Hainan Province. The tropical monsoon climate of this region makes it a perfect destination for sun seekers and tan addicts. Here you can enjoy a unique tropical oceanic landscape that is totally different from the other provinces of China. Sanya never shirks in its efforts to entertain its guests with a variety of seafood and delicious tropical fruits all the year round. Shopping is also a must when relaxing on the island to remember your stay at one of China\'s only tropical paradises.

Airports Serving SANYA

Sanya - (SYX)

Hotel prices in Sanya