3 airports found

Flight Prices
from San Francisco to Belfast in

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San Francisco

Time zone in San Francisco is : GMT-08:00

These days, San Francisco is ranked 44th of the top tourist destinations in the world. The city is renowned for its cool summer, the fogs, brightly colorful flora, and landmarks including the Golden Gate Bridge, Telegraph Hill, its Trolley car, and so on. San Francisco has so many beautiful parks, artistic building, and many hills. There are more than 50 hills within city limits. San Francisco is a wonderful city with wonderful people.

Airports Serving SAN FRANCISCO

San Francisco - (SFO)

Hotel prices in San Francisco


Time zone in Belfast is : GMT+00:00

Nicknamed “Linenopolis”, Belfast has been a centre for the Irish linen industry. It also the centre for the tobacco production, rope-making, and shipbuilding. Belfast became the biggest city in Ireland at the beginning of the 20th century. Belfast Castle and Belfast City Hall are some of the popular tourist attractions in the city. Park and gardens are an integral part of Belfast’s heritage, and home to an abundance of local wildlife and popular places for a picnic.

Airports Serving BELFAST

Belfast - (BFS)

Hotel prices in Belfast