2 airports found

Flight Prices
from Penang Island to Langkawi in

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Penang Island

Time zone in Penang Island is : GMT+08:00

Penang Island is the fourth-largest island in Malaysia. It is also the part of the state of Penang, located on the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia. George town is the capital of Penang. By 2008, George Town was formally inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site alongside with Malacca. It is known as a city with a unique architectural and cultural townscape. Penang National Park, Botanical Gardens, Khoo Kongsi, are some of the top tourist attractions in Penang Island.

Airports Serving PENANG ISLAND

Penang - (PEN)

Hotel prices in Penang Island


Time zone in Langkawi is : GMT+08:00

Where the beautiful Andaman Sea meets the Straits of Malacca, Langkawi Island positions itself as one of Malaysia\'s best island paradise destinations. Developed as an ideal travel destination by the Malaysian Tourism board, after 2 decades of work, the island has proven itself to be a must see holiday destination. Those interested in underwater excursions will want to snorkel Pulau Payar Marine Park, teeming with coral and marine life. Catch the cable car up to Mount Macinchang and be taken aback by the sweeping views of the island.

Airports Serving LANGKAWI

Langkawi - (LGK)

Hotel prices in Langkawi