2 airports found

Flight Prices
from Mataram to Vientiane in

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Time zone in Mataram is : GMT+08:00

Mataram is the capital city of West Nusa Tenggara and also become the largest city of this province. Batu Bolong Temple, Lingsar Temple, Mayura Park, Tomb of Loang Baloq, are some of travel destinations must be visit if come to Mataram. Narmada Park also attracted the attention of man visitors. It has a Hindu temple and swimming pool, as well as a fountain which is called “Balai Petirtaan”, which, according to the legend, gives long life to the person that drinks the water. Come to this city and witness the wonderful view.

Airports Serving LOMBOK

Bandara Intl. Lombok - (LOP)

Hotel prices in Lombok


Time zone in Vientiane is : GMT+07:00

Vientiane (or Viang chan), the classically-designed city, studded with crumbling French mansions with beautiful bougainvillea-blooming streets. Vientiane is the capital and largest city of Laos. This city became the capital in 1563 due to fears of a Burmese invasion. It is located in near the Mekong river. These days, Vientiane has become the economic centre of Laos. Pha That Luang is the national symbol of Laos and one of the popular tourist attractions.

Airports Serving VIENTIANE

Wattay - (VTE)

Hotel prices in Vientiane