3 airports found

Flight Prices
from Edinburgh to Birmingham in

* price updated daily, fares can change at any time, Search for exact date for last updated flight prices


Time zone in Edinburgh is : GMT+00:00

Airports Serving EDINBURGH

Edinburgh Intl. - (EDI)

Hotel prices in Edinburgh


Time zone in Birmingham is : GMT+00:00

Located in the West Midlands, Birmingham is the second largest city in Britain. Known as the “City of a 1000 trades” and the “Workshop of the World” in the Victorian era, is enjoying a 21st century resurgence as a great shopping and cultural destination. Cadbury World and Warwick Castle are some of the popular tourist attractions in the city. Brum, as locals call the city, is full of beautiful buildings with great architecture that can please your eyes.

Airports Serving BIRMINGHAM

Birmingham - (BHX)

Hotel prices in Birmingham