5 airports found

Flight Prices
from Brussels to New York City in

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Time zone in Brussels is : GMT+01:00

Brussels is the capital of Belgium and the administrative centre of the European Union. Brussels is a foodie’s and chocolate paradise. This city is also the Hub of Europe. Visitors can easily go to London, Paris, Amsterdam and German cities by plane and high speed trains Brussels has major cultural destination with various exhibitions, museums, and events throughout the year. Grand Place is one of the most visited place in Brussels.

Airports Serving BRUSSELS

Hotel prices in Brussels

New York City

Time zone in New York City is : GMT-12:00

New York City, a very famous city in the United States. Some icon that really describe New York are the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, and the Empire State Building. Almost everything you can find here in New York. From cheap eats until exclusive dining. New York exerts a significant impact upon commerce, finance, media, art, fashion, research, technology, education, and entertainment. New York City is a center for the television, film, advertising, music, newspaper, and book publishing industries and is also the largest media market in North America.

Airports Serving NEW YORK CITY

Hotel prices in New York City