2 airports found

Flight Prices
from Ambon to Palembang in

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Time zone in Ambon is : GMT+09:00

Once a location of civil unrest in between \'99 - 2002, the city of Ambon has looked past its violent history and grown into a promising travel destination. As the provincial capital of Maluku, it may lack the ambiance of a major city, but retains a laid back charm with a number of perfect beaches and lush mountainous backdrop. Ambon is a gateway to some of Indonesia\'s most beautiful yet utterly undiscovered gems, the Lease, Banda and Kei Islands.

Airports Serving AMBON

Pattimura - (AMQ)

Hotel prices in Ambon


Time zone in Palembang is : GMT+07:00

The capital city of the province of South Sumatra, Palembang is one of the oldest cities in Indonesia, and was the capital of the Srivijaya maritime empire. Located on the banks of the Musi River, one of Palembang\'s most iconic landmarks is the Ampera bridge which unites the Seberang Ilir to the north and Seberang Ulu to the south. Seberang Ilir is Palembang\'s economic and cultural centre, while Seberang Ulu is its political centre. One must try delicacy when in Palembang is Pempek which is a fried or steamed fish cake bathed in a black spicy vinegar sauce.

Airports Serving PALEMBANG

Mahmud Badaruddin Li - (PLM)

Hotel prices in Palembang